

In the last 12 months I’ve come a long way in my journey of fitness:

It’s been an exciting last 12 months. I’m about to take it one step further: a few nights ago I registered for my first triathlon! I’ll be racing the Danskin Triathlon in Wisconsin. It’s a sprint distance, so I’ll be swimming half a mile, biking 12 miles, and running 3 miles.

I actually won a free registration for this triathlon from a giveaway on Madeline’s blog  at Food, Fitness, & Family in May, and have been waiting until I officially registered to announce it.

Obviously the swimming won’t be a big deal (see above), and I can clearly run 3 miles, but the biking will be the toughest for me. I’ve been biking or doing spin classes for the last few months, and can easily go 8 miles. Here’s the glitch- I haven’t actually been on a road bike in 11 years. So…. i need to do that. Soon. And there will obviously be a post on that topic coming up in the next few weeks. Once a week I’ve been doing a pseudo- brick workout by biking 7-8 miles in the morning and running 3 miles in the afternoon. So, while it isn’t back to back, at least my body is used to going that far in a day!

I look forward to continuing to train over the next two months, and add a new “first”! I’m also excited (and nervous!) to finally get back on a road bike after a LONG hiatus!

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s one fitness goal you have for yourself in 2012? If you’ve completed a triathlon before, what’s your best advice?