Happy Saturday morning! As I’m in taper-mode, I have no long run to do, so I’m enjoying a lazy morning. In that light, I thought I’d join up with Jill Conyer’s Ultimate Coffee Date.


If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you how much I’m enjoying watching Breaking Bad. It’s not the best TV show I’ve watched, but I’m really finding it pretty interesting. I’m an addictions counselor, so the drug component is interesting to me…

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I’m getting really antsy during this taper. I’m still working out, but I’ve cut way down on mileage and intensity, and my legs are feeling it. I know that this is the purpose of taper, but I’m not feeling it right now.

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I really like my co-workers. I’m lucky that I have co-workers that I’d also count as friends. One of them is leaving at the end of the month, and I feel really sad about it! I’m really going to miss her.

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I’m a little worried about my half marathon. I’m worried before every half marathon, and this one is no different.

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I’m really excited that the grass is starting to get a bit more green again! Of course that means that we’re having more rain (and 45 degrees and rainy isn’t that pleasant) but it’s necessary for spring to come. I’ll take it!

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that my allergies are starting to pick up again, and that’s no fun. I feel a little more tired and achy during allergy season- Boo!

If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you that I’ve tried oil pulling. It’s an intriguing idea, but I’m certainly skeptical of all its claims. I want to see data and hard numbers 🙂

Now it’s your turn to share! If we were having coffee today, what would you tell me?