Hi Friends!

I have a huge announcement for you all! All summer I’ve been busy planning for a secret goal for the year- to rebrand and become a self-hosted blog! I’ve truly enjoyed blogging in this space, but a few months after I made this blog, I realized that someone else had the Fighting For Wellness domain outside of wordpress, so I guess I could say this new blog has been in the works since January of 2013.

I hope that you all will follow me over to my new book at The Little Things– I’ve transferred my blog over there but it’ll take a few weeks to really get everything straightened out. I’ve also added some fun new ways to connect on social media! Here they are (click on the links to go straight to the sites!). A huge thanks to Melissa (who also redid her blog this weekend too!) who sat beside me for hours over the last week as we worked on everything!

Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Bloglovin. I’m still at my same twitter handle!

Thanks again for the love and support you’ve given me here. I’ll see you at the Little Things!