Happy Friday!! While this week has flown by, I’m certainly more than ready for the weekend! Since it’s the last weekend before Thanksgiving, I have a list of things that really need to get done in order for me to relax later on this week. Is it going to be a busy weekend for you too? Of course blog reading was still on my to do list for the week. Here are a few great posts and articles that I read:

5 Workout Mantras That Are Bad For Your Body: This is an interesting article, and I have actually thought before about a few of these mantras and how they can lead to injury if we have that mindset. It’s worth the read!

How To Overcome Neediness

Are You Too Sick To Go To Work: Sometimes staying home sick from work can feel like a really bad option. I, however, really don’t appreciate when I end up catching something from a co-worker who decided they just couldn’t take a day off or work from home. This article helps define when it’s appropriate to take a sick day.

Auction is Open! I mentioned in my post yesterday that Susan was diagnosed with lymphoma last year, and now that she’s cancer free she’s raising money for Team In Training as she’s training for a half marathon this spring. She’s holding an auction with some pretty fantastic items, so make sure to check it out today. It closes tonight!

11 Random Holiday Things That Give Me Anxiety: This article from thought catalog made me laugh. Are any of these items something that give you anxiety?

That Time I Didn’t Run A Marathon: This post by Melissa was inspiring. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we want them to, and that’s where resiliency comes into play.

fifty fall foods for fat loss: Some of the items on this list I’ve never even tried before. Check this post out before making your shopping list for the next week!

4 Minute “Flipper” Abdominal Workout: This looks like a tough work out that I have no excuse not to do! It’s straight forward and requires nothing but yourself and the floor! Check it out!

Now it’s your turn to share! Are you busy preparing for Thanksgiving this weekend? What holiday things lead to you feeling anxious?