Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

**I am now blogging over at The Little Things– please click on that link to view all my updated posts on POTS, along with new posts I’ve written since I moved spaces!

I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). I stayed quiet about my diagnosis for far too long, but now I’m ready to start talking and spreading awareness. POTS completely turned my life upside down, and I live every day of my life feeling pretty sick. That being said, I refuse to allow my life to be defined by my diagnosis, and fight against it every single day. I refuse to allow it to take away my dreams that I had for my life, and I’ve dug deep for the strength to carry on through difficult days. I’ve even managed to complete a number of races (running and triathlons) despite having POTS, and you can read all about this on my Race Recaps Page.

Here are some posts that might help you understand POTS and how exercise fits in with this diagnosis.

If you have questions or would like to chat about POTS, please contact me.

I am not a doctor, and these posts should not be taken as expert medical advice. I’m simply someone who has lived many years with POTS who has found resources around the internet that help to explain this syndrome. Please contact a doctor if you have questions about POTS or think you might have it

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