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This weekend I bought parsnips at the grocery store, and the cashier had to ask me what kind of food it was so she could ring it up. It always makes me laugh a little when I get asked what sort of food I’m buying. However, I completely understand not knowing what a parsnip is, because until a few weeks ago, I had never consumed a parsnip. I happened to walk past them in the produce section, and decided to try them out in fry form! I’m so happy I did, because they were delicious!

To start you’ll peel the parsnip like you peel a carrot (and it smells very similar too).

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Once peeled, you’ll cut them into fry shaped pieces. I didn’t do a great job of cutting them into attractive looking fries, but it worked out just fine. After placing them on a cooking shirt, cover with a little olive oil.


Once I sprayed the fries with olive oil, I sprinkled sea salt on half of them and red cayenne pepper on half. Of course you can use whatever spices you would like! I cooked for 25-30 minutes at 400 degrees and they were done!

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Voila! A healthy and delicious spin to the traditional fry! I ate mine with some sweet and spicy BBQ sauce, and they were delicious! Most of them didn’t even find their way to my plate. I have to say that I was pretty hesitant to try parsnip, but I’m glad I went outside my comfort zone and gave them a try!

Now it’s your turn to share! Have you ever tried parsnip before? Have you eaten something recently that was outside of your comfort zone?