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This week I got a little bit more into more normal workout routine. I ran a bit yesterday, but by 0.8 of a mile my IT bands started hurting, and I figured that there was no point in pushing. I thought maybe with a week and a half of no running it would feel better, but it actually felt much worse than my race on Thanksgiving. Grrr. The rest of the week was great!

  • Sunday: Rest- traveling all day
  • Monday: 1.45 mile walk, 2:30 planks
  • Tuesday: 1.75 mile walk, 2:30 planks
  • Wednesday: 7.59 mile bike, 2:30 planks
  • Thursday: 2.0 mile elliptical, 2:30 planks
  • Friday: 7.35 mile walk
  • Saturday: 1.0 mile run, .50 mile walk, 3:00 planks

Total Miles: 1.0 run + 7.59 bike + 2.0 elliptical + 10.55 walk= 21.64 total miles and 13 minutes of planks

The weather has been SO nice the last few days, and I’ve been taking advantage of it and spending time outside.

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s one thing you accomplished this week? Was the weather nice enough to work out outside, or were you inside this week?